Friday, January 20, 2012

Chew on this

If we chew food thoroughly, we digest it better. We can swallow it just fine in larger chunks, but it can occasionally cause indigestion and frequently causes our body to avail itself of only some of the proffered nutritional benefit.

Something similar happens when we learn - intellectually or spiritually. Some of us digest our food but do so quickly. We can't be bothered to think about it more than is necessary. We learn what we must in a class to pass the test. Spiritually, we may learn the lessons that are taught to us explicitly but fail to learn the lessons that are available to us but that aren't called to our attention.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Why you can't control the Internet

There's a lot of talk about SOPA, PIPA, OPEN, and other proposed legislation regarding the Internet. There are lots of strong opinions and a lot of information - and much of the information is wrong. My purpose is to explain why I believe that governments can destroy the Internet but can't control it.

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